Using AutoMapper

Basic usage

Someone who wants to map an object will only have to do this:

// With class name
$target = $automapper->map($source, Foo::class);
// With existing object
$target = new Foo();
$target = $automapper->map($source, $target);
// To an array
$target = $automapper->map($source, 'array');
// From an array
$source = ['a' => 'b'];
$target = $automapper->map($source, Foo::class);

With custom context

Context object allow to pass options for the mapping:

// Using context
$context = new Context();
$target = $automapper->map($source, Foo::class, $context);

// Groups (serializer annotation), will only map value that match those group in source and target
$context = new Context(['groupA', 'groupB']);
// Allowed attributes, will only map specific properties (exclude others), allow nesting for sub mapping like the serializer component
$context = new Context(null, ['propertyA', 'propertyB', 'foo' => ['fooPropertyA']]);
// Ignored attributes, exclude thos propreties include others
$context = new Context(null, null, ['propertyA', 'propertyB', 'foo' => ['fooPropertyA']]);
// Set circular reference limit
// Set circular reference handler
$context->setCircularReferenceHandler(function () { ... });