
Private properties

This component map private properties (However this can deactivated).

Nested Mapping

This component map nested class when it’s possible.

Circular Reference

Default circular reference implementation is to keep them during mapping, which means somethings like:

$foo = new Foo();

$target = $this->automapper->map($foo, 'array');

Will produce an array where the foo property will be a reference to the parent.

Having that allow using this component as a DeepCloning service by mapping to the same object:

$foo = new Foo();

$deepClonedFoo = $this->automapper->map($foo, Foo::class);

Max Depth

This component understand the Max Depth Annotation of the Serializer component and will not map after it’s reached.

Name Converter

Default implementation allows you to pass a Name Converter when converting to or from an array to change the property name used.

Discriminator Mapping

This component understand the Discriminator Mapping Annotation of the Serializer component and should correctly handle construction of object when having inheritance.

Type casting

This component will try to correctly map scalar values (going from int to string, etc.).