Generating a Client

This library provided a PHP console application to generate the Model, you can use it by executing the following command at the root of your project:

php vendor/bin/jane-openapi generate

This command will try to read a config file named .jane-openapi located on the current working directory. However, you can name it as you like and use the --config-file option to specify its location and name:

php vendor/bin/jane-openapi generate --config-file=jane-openapi-configuration.php


No others options can be passed to the command. Having a config file ensure that a team working on the project always use the same set of parameters and, when it changes, give vision of the new option used to generate the code.

Configuration file

The configuration file consists of a simple PHP script returning an array:


return [
    'openapi-file' => __DIR__ . '/openapi.json',
    'namespace' => 'Vendor\Library\Api',
    'directory' => __DIR__ . '/generated',
    'client' => 'psr18',

This example shows the minimum configuration required to generate a client:

  • openapi-file: Specify the location of your OpenApi file, it can be a local file or a remote one It can also be a yaml file.
  • namespace: Root namespace of all of your generated code
  • directory: Directory where the code will be generated
  • client: Client to generate (httplug or psr18, httplug is deprecated and will be removed in Jane v6.0.0)

Given this configuration, you will need to add the following configuration to composer, in order to load the generated files:

"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
        "Vendor\\Library\\Api\\": "generated/"


Other options are available to customize the generated code:

  • reference: A boolean which indicate to add the support for JSON Reference into the generated code.
  • date-format: A date format to specify how the generated code should encode and decode \DateTime object to string
  • strict: A boolean which indicate strict mode (true by default), not strict mode generate more permissive client not respecting some standards (nullable field as an example) client.
  • use-fixer: A boolean which indicate if we make a first cs-fix after code generation, is disabled by default.
  • fixer-config-file: A string to specify where to find the custom configuration for the cs-fixer after code generation, will remove all Jane default cs-fixer default configuration.
  • clean-generated: A boolean which indicate if we clean generated output before generating new files, is enabled by default.
  • use-cacheable-supports-method: A boolean which indicate if we use CacheableSupportsMethodInterface interface to improve caching performances when used with Symfony Serializer.