Multi schemas generation

Jane JsonSchema allows to generate multiple schemas at the same time with different namespaces and directories to handle JSON References on others schemas.


In order to use this feature, configuration of the .jane file will require a mapping of JSON Schema specification file linked to a root class, namespace and directory.

As an example you may have this:


return [
    'mapping' => [
        __DIR__ . '/schema1.json' => [
            'root-class' => 'Foo',
            'namespace' => 'Vendor\Library\FooSchema',
            'directory' => __DIR__ . '/generated/Schema1',
        __DIR__ . '/schema2.json' => [
            'root-class' => 'Bar',
            'namespace' => 'Vendor\Library\BarSchema',
            'directory' => __DIR__ . '/generated/Schema2',

Using this configuration, Jane JsonSchema will generate all class of the schema1.json and schema2.json specification. Also, all references between both schemas will use the specific namespace.

As an example, given that you have the Foo object in schema1.json:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "foo": { "type": "string" }

And the Bar one in schema2.json:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "bar": { "$ref": "schema1.json#" }

The property bar of the Bar object will reference the Vendor\Library\Schema1\Foo class.


If we don’t specify the schema1.json in this configuration, Jane JsonSchema will still fetch the specification and generate the Foo class. However, it will be under the same namespace (Vendor\Library\BarSchema), and will have BarBar as the class name, instead of the Foo one.


In this case, Jane JsonSchema will generate two distinct NormalizerFactory, to be able to use references between schemas, you will only need to merge normalizers:


$normalizers = array_merge(