Using a generated client

Generating a client will produce same classes as the Json Schema library:

  • Model files in the Model namespace
  • Normalizer files in the Normalizer namespace
  • A NormalizerFactory class in the Normalizer namespace

Furthermore, it generates:

  • Endpoints files in the Endpoint namespace, each API Endpoint will generate a class containing all the logic to go from Object to Request, and from Response to Object
  • Client file in the root namespace containing all API endpoints

Creating the API Client

Generated Client class have a static method create which act like a factory to create your Client:


$apiClient = Vendor\Library\Generated\Client::create();

Optionally, you can pass a custom HttpClient respecting the PSR18 Client standard. If you which to use the constructor to reuse existing instances, sections below describe the 4 services used by it and how to create them.

Creating the Http Client

The main dependency on the Client class is an Http Client respecting the PSR18 Client standard. We highly recommend you to read the PSR18 specification. This HTTP Client MAY redirect on a 3XX responses (depend on your API), but it MUST not throw errors on 4XX and 5XX responses, as this can be handle by the generated code directly.

Recommended way of creating an HTTP Client is by using the discovery library to create the client:


$httpClient = Http\Discovery\Psr18ClientDiscovery::find();

This allows user of the API to use any client respecting the standard.


You can use clients such as Symfony HttpClient as PSR18 client.

Creating the Serializer

Like in Using a generated Model, creating a serializer is done by using the NormalizerFactory class:


$normalizers = Vendor\Library\Generated\Normalizer\NormalizerFactory::create();
$encoders = [new Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncoder(
    new Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonEncode(JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES),
    new Symfony\Component\Serializer\Encoder\JsonDecode(false))

$serializer = new Symfony\Component\Serializer\Serializer($normalizers, $encoders);

Creating the Request Factory

The generated endpoints will also need a factory to transform parameters and object of the endpoint to a PSR7 Request.

Like the HTTP Client, it is recommended to use the discovery library to create it:


$requestFactory = Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findRequestFactory();

Creating the Stream Factory

The generated endpoints will also need a service to transform body parameters like resource or string into PSR7 Stream when uploading file (multipart form).

Like the HTTP Client and Request Factory, it is recommended to use the discovery library to create it:


$streamFactory = Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findStreamFactory();

Using the API Client

Generated code has complete PHPDoc comment on each method, which should correctly describe the endpoint. Method names for each endpoint depends on the operationId property of the OpenAPI specification. And if not present it will be generated from the endpoint path:


$apiClient = Vendor\Library\Generated\Client::create();
// Operation id being listFoo
$foos = $apiClient->listFoo();

Also depending on the parameters of the endpoint, it may have 2 to more arguments.

Last parameter of each endpoint, allows to specify which type of data the method must return. By default, it will try to return an object depending on the status code of your response. But you can force the method to return a PSR7 Response object:

$apiClient = Vendor\Library\Generated\Client::create();
// First argument is an empty list of parameters, second one being the return type
$response = $apiClient->listFoo([], Vendor\Library\Generated\Client::FETCH_RESPONSE);

This allow to do custom work when the API does not return standard JSON body.

Host and basePath support

Jane OpenAPI will never generate the complete url with the host and the base path for an endpoint. Instead, it will only do a request on the specified path.

If host and/or base path is present in the specification it is added, via the PluginClient, AddHostPlugin and AddPathPlugin thanks to php-http plugin system when using the static create.

This allow you to configure different host and base path given a specific environment / server, which may defer when in test, preprod and production environment.

Jane OpenAPI will always try to use https if present in the scheme (or if there is no scheme). It will use the first scheme present if https is not present.